Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Goals > Fears

Its officially less than a week until I'll be in Russia. I still don't have my visa, but never fear because it will be here on Saturday. In the mean time, I can't get past all of the "warnings" my fellow American's have been giving me. I called customer service for my health insurance and the guy on the phone kept saying things like, "I've heard a lot of things on the news. Make sure you come back safe" etc. etc. My aunt is concerned that there is a shortage of clothes in Russia and everyone will be trying to steal my clothes, my dad thinks I'm going to get robbed, my mom is afraid I'll end up in prison and my grandmother thinks I'm going to die. I honesty have got minimal positive feedback from others when I tell them I'm going to Russia. Listening to everyone's thoughts and fears hasn't really given me time to evaluate my own. When I come to think of it, my main fear is losing my luggage. Maybe this is the young and care free side coming out in me because I really am not in fear for my safety. I am excited for this adventure and I am looking forward to how much I'll grow as a person during this experience. I can't let the fears of others get in the way of having a great time and getting the most out of this experience. I have set some goals for myself to achieve in the next four months:

1.) Make 3 new friends.
2.) Improve on my Russian grammar
3.) Go to a banya (Russian bath)
4.) See a Russian ballet
5.) Visit the Red Square
6.) Read 4 new pieces of Russian literature
7.) Learn how to type in Russian on my computer without having to use the keyboard viewer

On a side note, In preparation for the trip I got a flu shot, hepatitis A shot, and a TDAP shot (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis). When I went for my pre departure check up these were what the doctor suggested I get for travel to Russia.

До Свидания!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Getting Close & No Visa

So, this time next month I will officially be in Russia. Right now I'm just getting really excited and nervous for my trip. As this is my first time going to Russia, I am a little bit in shock at how long the visa process actually takes. I decided that I had to get to Russia on November 1st, 2013 and the deadline to apply to the study abroad company was November 13th, so I was really in a rush. I got everything done and even got a scholarship from the Russian department! Nothing is impossible when I set my mind to it.
It's less than a month until I leave and I still have not received my visa. The company that I am studying abroad with says not to worry, that this happens every semester but I can't help but be a little bit concerned. I have everything together (passport, passport photos, $325.00 check, and HIV test results), but I'm just waiting on the invitation letter, which has a code that I will use to finish the Visa process online, print out a paper, sign it, Fed Ex overnight it to the company with the supporting documents and then they will overnight it back to me when my visa is completed. They said I'll probably end up getting it the night before I leave. Tell me that is not pushing it a little bit. In the mean time I'm making list after list of things I need to buy before I go to take with me. I have two new jackets, one is a north face (my dad got it for me for Christmas) and the other one Tommy Hilfiger and it is warm but stylish (from my wonderful boyfriend). I definitely want to stay warm while I'm over there. I guess I'll give everyone a review later on how insulated the jackets really are. 
I really am thankful for my friends and family who are helping me prepare for this trip even though it was one of my usual spur of the moment ideas.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Only 1 Month until Take Off!

So this is my very first post. This time next month I'll be on a plane and beginning my four month journey of living and studying in Moscow Russia.
I'll start this blog by answering the question I get asked almost every day of my life: Why Russia?
Out of every country in the entire world that I could have gone to, yes, I willingly and happily chose Russia. I can't say what first attracted me to Russian language but there was a sign hanging up in White Hall Classroom building my freshman year of college that said, "Free Russian Lessons." At this point I had honestly never given Russia a thought but I wanted to incorporate something new into my weekly routine so I started going to these lessons once a week. The language lessons sparked my interest so I took a Russian history class and was hooked. Their history was so foreign to me and every day of the class I was learning things I didn't know that I didn't know. 
Now, here I am after one full semester of a Russian history class as well as a semester of Russian language. I don't know if I could ever have enough Russian language classes in America to prepare me for the immense amount of Russian I'll be facing come February 4th, but I'm ready and willing to take on this adventure. I am looking forward to all of the new Russian I will be learning while abroad as well as visiting the historical landmarks I've only read about in text books. 
This might not be every other person's interest or destination of choice, but it is mine and that's all that matters.