Monday, March 10, 2014

A day in the park-no classes today :)

There is nothing like a relaxing day in the park, no matter where in the world you may be! Today, my two friends and I went to Gorky Park, which is a happening place in Moscow. It was a beautiful 50+ degrees Fahrenheit, the sun was shining and I didn't have to wear my heavy jacket. The park itself is very beautiful and everyone rides bikes, roller blades, skateboards, romantically walks with their significant other or pushes their adorable Russian baby in a stroller.  The park is very large and we didn't really get to see all of it. There was a river and we just sat there and looked at the water, while taking in the very rare sunlight. I even got to see some ducks! With the stresses of trying to learn Russian, wondering what to pack for St. Petersburg and classes in general, a nice relaxing day was very much needed. I noticed some interesting things; Russian's apparently like their hotdogs because we waited in line for over 30 minutes for one and mine was so spicy that I couldn't even eat it. Out of all the things in Russia, I would have never expected a hot dog to be spicy. Also, corn on the cob is a casual, not to mention popular treat at the park. If you are not into corn on the cob, there are also cups of corn available topped off with butter. That's not what I would have chosen for a park treat, but hey, to each his own. I also got to see Russian's in a more relaxed, family friendly atmosphere. Here, mothers dearly love their children, kids throw tantrums and everyone enjoys a nice relaxing day in the park-just like anywhere else in the world.

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